A change of scenery for exceptional service! We are waiting for you at our new headquarters

Great news for all Comatec Solids clients and collaborators! We are excited to announce that we are moving to a new location to further improve our service.

As we grow and evolve, we recognize the importance of having facilities that meet our needs and allow us to provide the best experience possible. Therefore, we moved to a more modern and functional space, specifically designed to offer superior quality service.

This new location will allow us to optimize our processes and ensure greater efficiency in all areas of our business.

We want to express our gratitude for the constant support over the years. Trust in our company is what drives us to continue growing and improving.

Thank you for being part of our success. We are waiting for you in our new location to continue building a bright future together!

New address:

C/ Guglielmo Marconi, 34,

08403 Granollers

Barcelona, Spain
